Jing App

I have introduced Jing, a Traditional Chinese Medicine self care app to my practice.

Jing app is used to prescribe self-care programmes in the form of videos, audio recordings, articles and recipe cards. It allows a personalised plan to be put together based on the diagnosis and understanding of your condition.


Resources include acupressure points, self-massage routines, qigong exercises, guided meditations, dietary advice and recipes. Jing app can be downloaded for free and you will be able to access your personalised plan for advise to support you outside the treatment room.

In practice I have found this particularly useful for supporting patient suffering with pain complaints with Qigong exercises to support recovery.


Also it is very useful for pregnant clients to have easy access to instructional videos for for both labour preparation and pain relief in labour.


Further information

If you would like to know more know more about acupuncture contact me or make an appointment.